Followith is a meeting point between Locals (experienced people of a place) and curious travelers who need to meet on the spot a person capable of guiding them through the most varied activities.
FolloWith is it free?
Followith is free for everyone, Locals and travelers. Only some Premium options are paid and require a small contribution to contact the Locals using internal chat or to get more visibility of your profile on the site.
What does the rate on the profile photo indicate?
Locals may indicate an hourly rate of the services offered or specify FREE if you do not wish to request compensation. It is simply an indication and a possible negotiation between Local and traveler is outside the competence of FolloWith.
Why is FolloWith different from all other sites?
Followith, unlike other sites that connect Locals and travelers, does not sell tour packages asking for heavy commissions in exchange, but leaves the Locals the freedom to offer their services without asking for any percentage.
When registering, are there differences between Local profile and traveler profile?
Absolutely not, in this way a traveler will then be free to also become a Local when he will enrich his profile with additional photos and information.
What are reviews?
After contacting a Local, the travelers will be able to issue a vote from 1 to 5 and a small review that will serve to better guide other travelers to the most suitable profile.
What are credits?
Credits can be used by travelers to contact the Locals via chat and by Locals to provide their profile greater visibility. Credits can be purchased by credit card or PayPal account.